Sierra de Aracena. / Huelva

"Aldeas y pueblos mágicos"

Sábado 10 de febrero (2024). / Salida desde Sevilla*

Fotoviaje exclusivo para fotógrafos con móviles.

We're going to the Sierra de Aracena! , a region with unparalleled photographic possibilities. The color of its forests, the tranquility and beauty of its towns and villages, the views from its fortresses and viewpoints, make this Natural Park one of the great treasures of inland Andalusia.

I have prepared this exclusive photo trip with mobile phones for you. A full day of varied photography in the Sierra de Aracena Natural Park (Huelva).


Example of balance between its inhabitants and nature. We will tour, camera in hand, lush forests of holm oaks, oaks and chestnut trees, which coexist with towns and villages of unique architecture, which have remained almost unchanged to this day.


At noon time for rest and lunch in a beautiful natural enclave.


We will continue the afternoon with our photographic route and end the day by saying goodbye to the sun from our objectives in a "magical place."


A thousand reasons to discover, take photos and live a unique experience among new photographers and friends.


Limited places. Reserve yours now.

What are you going to find?

  • A magnificent group of photographers sharing the same passion.
  • Dream towns and villages.
  • A beautiful landscape, Biosphere Reserve.
  • Orchards overflowing with life.
  • Streams and sources of crystal clear water.
  • People heirs of a unique culture.
  • Traditions and ancestral ways of living.
  • Fortresses and watchtowers, places of ancient battles and reconquests.
  • A large rock, a privileged viewpoint.
  • Centennial chestnut trees with twisted trunks.
  • Exquisite gastronomy.

La furgoneta de "Abre los ojos", ¡siempre a punto!.
La furgoneta de "Abre los ojos", ¡siempre a punto!.

Travel photography is very varied, it includes: landscape, fauna, architecture, street, people... it is the most varied "photographic style" and ideal for reviewing and testing your ease, technique and creativity. My mission as a tutor and professional photographer is to accompany you and help you get that dream photo.

General information:

  • Place: Sierra de Aracena Natural Park (Sierra Morena de Huelva).
  • Departure and arrival point: Seville. (If you come from another location, I will provide you with an accessible meeting point).
  • Are you coming from another town?: You can come directly to Seville in the morning or I can help you with accommodation, very close to our meeting point.
  • Duration: Full day. (from Sun to Sun).
  • Date: Saturday, February 10, 2024.
  • Hours: From 7:00 (departure) to 22:00 approx. (arrival), depends on the time of year.
  • Type of photography: varied, landscape, fauna, architecture, street, people...
  • Type of photo trip: Along the route we visited different places, some planned and others improvised, giving time to walk, practice photography and relax.
  • Physical level: Accessible.
  • Photography level: All levels.
  • Camera type: Any digital model. If you have questions ask me.
  • Price: €95, all included*. (Transportation, guide, photography tutoring, meals: breakfast, lunch, snack and final snack.). / Former students courses: first trip promotion €90
  • Private transportation: We all travel together! Departure and arrival in the "Open your eyes" van at the indicated meeting point in each location.

*What does the photo trip include?

  • Exclusive photography route prepared by me, for you, taking into account the photography possibilities.
  • Continuous mentoring and advice from Antonio Arévalo (professional photographer). Composition, lighting, camera control. Review of photographs.
  • Guide and information about the area.
  • Food: breakfast, lunch, snack and final snack.
  • Private transport. (the van from "Open your eyes"), we all traveled together.
  • Optional personal travel insurance.
  • Small group (Maximum 8 photographers).


Reserva tu plaza:

La reserva de plaza es por riguroso orden de inscripción y recepción del formulario. / Máximo 8 plazas.  

La fotografía compartida es más divertida.

Nuestros fotógrafos-viajeros disfrutando la experiencia.